
Homework Room 14, Term 1 and 2

Your child will get new words each week that they need to practise and learn. These words will come from an extensive pre-test to establish the spelling rules and word families they need to practise. They may also come from our list of ‘Essential Words’ that children need to know to help them be successful writers. They will get their words on a Friday.  They will test each other on the following Friday after they have completed a variety of activities using them and have practised them at home.  Spelling will begin in week 2 and lists in week 3.

Maths Knowledge
This is a crucial part of your child’s development in maths. They are the underlying skills needed to help all other areas of maths. Your child will soon be bringing home a sheet showing areas of knowledge they need to work on. Please look on the class wiki for ideas and games to help your child learn them. We would also suggest that you put up a times table poster on the back of the toilet door as this is a great place for them to practise. All students will be completing a basic facts test in class and will then know what they need to work on.

Your child is expected to read for about 15-20mins each night. Students may like to create a reading log on their wiki page. Your child may want to include what they have read, how many pages and leave a comment about the book. Parents, please feel free to leave your child a comment too, especially if you have noticed them really enjoying it. 

We visit the library every week on a Monday and your child is encouraged to get out two library books that they can read at home and school. It is important that they bring their book bag every day as they need it to be able to get a book out and it keeps the books in good condition.

Blog Challenges
During class time your child will be made aware of class challenges that will be posted on the class wiki page or blog.  They are expected to complete these challenges both during class time and for homework. These will be set periodically.

The importance of talk and interaction
It is well documented that parents play a hugely important role in their children’s learning and understanding of the world. Make time to talk to your child about the many things that go on in the world. This may be the simple things like where food comes from before we buy it in the shops, or where our rubbish goes once the rubbish truck picks it up. It may be a programme they are watching on T.V.  It may be more complex ideas like national or international current events. The more they understand about the world, the more knowledge they will bring to their writing, reading and topic work. Asking them for their opinion about a current event or a piece of information and expecting them to justify their reasoning, will help them develop the higher thinking skills that are expected of children as they move towards intermediate school. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards

Karen Seth

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